
Discover the latest advancements and initiatives aimed at tackling the critical issue of carbon emissions. Explore innovative solutions, sustainable practices, and cutting-edge technologies that strive to reduce carbon footprints across industries. Stay informed about the latest research, policies, and trends driving the global carbon reduction movement.

Understanding Carbonization: The Process and Its Applications

Carbonization is a process that involves the transformation of organic materials into carbon or charcoal through heating in the absence

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Ozone treaty is delaying first ice-free Arctic summer, shows study

A 1987 global deal to protect the ozone layer is delaying the first ice-free Arctic summer by up to 15

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YPHI Gandeng Koprabuh Gelar Gertam Nusaku

KAGAMA.CO, JAKARTA – Sebagai langkah nyata untuk aktif melakukan pengelolaan, pengaturan, pemanfaatan, pengawasan dan pengamanan hutan sesuai peraturan yang sah dengan

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